Longest Day, Strongest Sun

The full moon in June is called the Strong Sun Moon. Presumably, this is because June holds the longest day of the year—the Summer Solstice. For my meditative focus of the month, I’m envisioning my projects, my goals, and my self at full strength. There is so much to do, and this is the time to get things done.

My mind is still full of Wandering Soul and the nearness of that book launching into the world (I can’t wait for people to read it!). There’s still room in my thoughts and heart for Gray Card and the two scifi novellas (okay, there’s a fourth one brewing now) that come after it.

When the next two in that series are done, I get to finish the third book of the Summer Park Psychics series! And it’s already time to do edits on the second book in that series, and… and… I will need some of that Strength from the Strong Sun Moon 🙂

Wishing you Strength for your projects as well!

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

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