11 Years on an Alien Planet

I noticed something peculiar early in my life. No one looked like me.Cassandra Chandler at the Park Not my family, not my neighbors, not my friends.

No one.

My parents were both brunettes. Dad had brown eyes, and mom’s were slate-gray green (mine are green with flecks of blue). My features, hair, and eyes didn’t match anyone in my immediate or extended family, or even the people in my communities (there were several—we moved a lot).

To make matters worse, when I was younger, my hair wasn’t the dark red it is today. Nope. It was neon orange. Neon. Continue reading “11 Years on an Alien Planet”

Focusing on Happiness—Week Thirty-Seven

What’s making me happy this week: starting the next Scifi novella! 😀

Meet Craig. He’s a Lyrian from Kepler-442b. You may know him better as “Bigfoot” (but I don’t recommend saying that to his face—he has four arms, an extra set of retractable teeth, and a temper 😉 ).


I had a lot of fun creating this image of him 😀 Gorillas are the closest approximation to what Lyrians look like in my imagination. I especially love how his expression seems to say, “Really, Earthling? It took you this long to write my story?”

Continue reading “Focusing on Happiness—Week Thirty-Seven”

Focusing on Happiness—Week Thirty-Six

What’s making me happy this week: all the movies!


So, I finally noticed that today is Thursday. I kinda lost track…

I haven’t taken much time to just unwind in the last few…um…years. I’m taking some now, and catching up on a ton of movies that I missed. I’m still getting some writing done, but more importantly, I’m recharging so I can head back to the page energized and ready to go.

I hope you’re getting in some down time, too!