The Call

Many famous authors talk about their rejection letter collections, and thinking about it that way is how I’ve handled mine. When I send out queries, I’ve armored by writer’s heart by thinking of rejections as additions to my collection. There was always hope alongside that shield that someday I’d get some amazing news instead. That day has happened. I have received… The Call.

Thankfully, The Call came in email form, because my speech rapidly deteriorated into a high-pitched and incomprehensible, “SQUEEEEEEE,” when I figured out what was going on. While reading the email, I kept waiting for the polite decline. My brain sort of stalled as my subconscious picked up on something strange… something off about this rejection letter. And then it hit me – it wasn’t a rejection letter!

I started to cry, I stopped breathing for a few seconds… repeatedly. It took a while to calm down enough to explain to my family why I was freaking out (the fact that I was laughing and hugging everybody undoubtedly reassured them). I barely slept that night, or the next night, or the next, and I did not care a bit.

I am extremely happy to be sharing this news with everyone. I am now officially contracted with Samhain Publishing for my first book! And I get to work with the wonderful Holly Atkinson!

The last two weeks have been a flurry of activity and I will most definitely be writing more about this experience here in the weeks to come. For now, I wish all my writing friends the best of luck with their own queries, stories, and journeys.

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

7 thoughts on “The Call”

  1. MJ Belko – Michigan – MJ Belko was born in Brooklyn, New York. She currently resides in Michigan with her husband and two sons. She is the author of "Winthrop Risk, Detective--The Mystery of the Missing Hamster" now available on Amazon and Kindle.
    MJ Belko says:


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