Sleep is Over-rated… but Necessary

It’s so hard to stop writing on those nights when the words are flowing and everything seems to be coming together almost effortlessly. Too many of those nights in a row can actually become a problem. There are things I need to take care of to keep writing. My home, my family, my health. Sleep is fundamental to support those important things.

At least sleep often comes with dreams, which are a wonderful source of ideas. And sometimes, problems that won’t sort themselves out during the waking hours will unravel easily while falling asleep or waking up.

When the creative nights cause me to burn midnight oil, I don’t let myself indulge in too many in a row. I remind myself that the flow will return, and things will make much more sense if the words are coming from a rested writer.

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

2 thoughts on “Sleep is Over-rated… but Necessary”

  1. A.E. Ash – I'm known in this incarnation as A.E. Ash, and I'm a writer. I'm also a nerd, a gamer, a mooncalf, but not a baker or candlestick maker. And I said nothing...NOTHING...about butcher. I write poetry and sundry brands of speculative fiction and really, that's all you need to know.
    A.E. Ash says:

    Sleep is everything. I so get this…the nights I sleep poorly, I feel it the next day. Pain, brain fog…it sucks. So yes, very very this: “the flow will return, and things will make much more sense if the words are coming from a rested writer.” Amen!

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