Blasting Off on Amazon! …Already?!

What the what?! A double-post day? There’s just SO MUCH GOING ON! Look what I found available for pre-order on

Gray Card Cover

I also discovered that the release date for Gray Card is earlier than I anticipated—October 6! I know a few people who will be very happy to hear that their wait is several weeks shorter 😀

I’m stunned that it’s already out there. Oh, my beloved not-so-secret, definitely super scifi erotica novella, I hope you do well in the world!

Speaking of books doing well, it’s awesome that Wandering Soul has stayed above the 1 million mark in the Amazon Best Sellers Rank since it became available for pre-order on March 24. At least, I think that means it’s doing well. I haven’t really figured out what the Amazon Best Sellers Rank means yet. Wandering Soul has been out there for over two months, so this seems like a good thing.

I hope everyone who pre-ordered Wandering Soul enjoys the book! And for those of you looking for a little lot of hot alien action, check out Gray Card!

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

3 thoughts on “Blasting Off on Amazon! …Already?!”

  1. A.E. Ash – I'm known in this incarnation as A.E. Ash, and I'm a writer. I'm also a nerd, a gamer, a mooncalf, but not a baker or candlestick maker. And I said nothing...NOTHING...about butcher. I write poetry and sundry brands of speculative fiction and really, that's all you need to know.
    A.E. Ash says:

    Grats, as always, on pretty much just being awesome. 😀 YAY!

      1. A.E. Ash – I'm known in this incarnation as A.E. Ash, and I'm a writer. I'm also a nerd, a gamer, a mooncalf, but not a baker or candlestick maker. And I said nothing...NOTHING...about butcher. I write poetry and sundry brands of speculative fiction and really, that's all you need to know.
        A.E. Ash says:

        OH, I BET. But…good problem to have…and being a smartypants, you’ve got this! *hugs* *waves pompoms*

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