Focusing on Happiness—Week Thirty-One

What I’m happy about this week: a top 10 list 🙂


There’s been a mix of good and bad this week. I can choose to focus on the disappointments, or use that energy to pick myself up and move on. So, moving on, here are ten things that are making me happy this week.

  1. Mint tea with honey (it doesn’t take much to make me happy, really 🙂 ).
  2. The volunteer leeks that came back from our teeny garden last year.
  3. Getting started on Tumblr!
  4. Making progress on the next Department of Homeworld Security novella.
  5. Going to the gym multiple days 😀
  6. Getting a cooler (why does having a cooler make me feel more grown up? Hmm…).
  7. Remembering my dreams more often, even when they’re scary (so many plot ideas).
  8. Daydreaming.
  9. Revisiting my old DeviantArt account and remembering that I can actually draw!
  10. Holding my latest print book in my hands <3

Sometimes the simplest joys are the most important. A cup of tea, a conversation with a friend, a beautiful view of a transitory rainbow…

What’s bringing you happiness this week?

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

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