New Year, New Look!

It took a heck of a lot longer than I expected, but I’ve revamped my web site at last! I love the new look, and can’t wait to see how it develops over the coming year. I’m most excited about adding to that side bar full of books, of course 😉

Now that this is squared away, it’s time to dive back into the current WIP! It’s been taking a long time to finish, even with all the plot points worked out. I finally figured out what the holdup is. In my head, this was “the last Department of Homeworld Security novella” and then I was going to take the series/world in a different direction.

The thing is…I don’t want to take this series in a different direction. I want it to stay light-hearted and ridiculous and blessedly short. I set out with a clear objective for this series: to give my readers (and myself) a break from longer, darker works. These novellas are a haven of optimism, where the characters work together and respect each other and strive to build a better universe for everyone (well, the bad guys don’t always start out that way, but some of them come around 😉 ).

The Homeworld novellas usually take people about an hour or two to read, and most of the readers I’ve talked to say they always feel uplifted after reading them. I even had one person tell me that she re-reads them whenever she needs a pick-me-up. That’s the absolute best reaction I could hope for with these stories <3

And so, no. I’m not done with them. Not by a longshot. In fact, I’ve already outlined the tenth novella in the series, and have ideas percolating for many more beyond.

2019 is going to be the year of optimism. There will be more Department of Homeworld Security novellas (and some of those longer, darker works as well). Every story will be a romance at its heart, and with love at the center of each tale, my wish is that they leave every reader with a sense of hope.

May the year ahead be filled with awesomeness <3

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

2 thoughts on “New Year, New Look!”

    1. Thank you! I’m looking forward to a bright year filled with joy and celebration <3

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