It’s Alive… ALIVE!!! (on Amazon)

I just found out that Wandering Soul is already available for pre-order on! I am ridiculously excited by this and have been scrambling to get my author page set up while telling everyone I know (and some people I don’t) about it!!!

The timing couldn’t have been better—I had already taken the day off and was planning to use at least part of it to set up my writing studio, but that can wait till after I’m done running around and squeeing.

It’ll be a while!

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

One thought on “It’s Alive… ALIVE!!! (on Amazon)”

  1. A.E. Ash – I'm known in this incarnation as A.E. Ash, and I'm a writer. I'm also a nerd, a gamer, a mooncalf, but not a baker or candlestick maker. And I said nothing...NOTHING...about butcher. I write poetry and sundry brands of speculative fiction and really, that's all you need to know.
    A.E. Ash says:

    Grats, lady–that’s Big Good News! ^_^

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