Happy Halloween 2019!

Happy Halloween!

My immune system decided to trick me with my second cold this October, but I’m on the mend today and determined to have a blast!

And I have a treat for you. Did you know that I have a YouTube channel? I do. And it even has me doing some readings of a couple of short stories I wrote set in the Blades of Janus—a world where fairies are actually aliens. One of the stories is set on Halloween!

I wanted to explore the world of the Blades from the perspective of the dwellers. An ad-hoc family of sorts emerged (of course), consisting of a goblin, a haunt, and a spriggan.

It took me a while to actually figure out what Scarecrow is, but now that I know, I’m absolutely going to work a haunt into one of the Blades novels going forward.

In the meantime, you can spend some quality time with Johnny Goblin and his family 💖🎃

Happy Halloween!

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USA Today Bestselling author of Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance — sometimes in the same book!

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