Corn Moon Goals — 2021

Today is the new Corn Moon, and again, I almost missed it. This can only mean one thing.

Something is wrong with my planning system.

I’ve been thinking about this in context with the New Corn Moon and wondering how I can apply the current lunar energy to my dilemma. For me, the Corn Moon is supposed to help me find “what grows corn for me.” What helps my productivity, my happiness, my life? What hinders it?

I think it’s going to come down to perspective.

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Happy Lughnasadh and Welcome to August!

Did you know that I have an English Lit degree specializing in Irish Folklore? Yeah that…doesn’t exactly open doors for me on a resume 😅 But I had so much fun being able to dig deep into the folklore that I grew up loving.

I know I mostly talk about Scifi here, but I do have quite a few Paranormal Romance and even Urban Fantasy projects lurking in the wings. I’m going to keep the focus on the Scifi as much as I can while working on the Cygnian 7, but on days like today, the folklore is going to get through.

Why, you ask? Because today is Lughnasadh, celebrating Lugh of the Long Arm and marking the beginning of the harvest season.

Continue reading “Happy Lughnasadh and Welcome to August!”