“Tied up in Customs” Release Day!

Hello, everyone! It’s the official release day for Tied up in Customs! I’m thrilled to have a new Department of Homeworld Security novella out. The world could use more short, sexy, scifi 😉


When I finished the first series arc (Gray Card, Resident Alien, and Business or Pleasure), there was one loose end that I was particularly curious about—what had happened when Sorca went to get Eric? It turns out what happened was…a lot. Continue reading ““Tied up in Customs” Release Day!”

Gray Card is Free till Friday!

Have you been thinking about trying one of my books, but just aren’t sure? Wondering what all the hubbub is about with these Short, Sexy, Scifi reads? Wonder no more!

In celebration of Resident Alien‘s release TOMORROW, Gray Card is free on Amazon now through Friday 😀 (April 10 – 14, 2017)

It’s the story of a nerdgirl who discovers that her gorgeous best friend is an alien general who has to leave the planet in three days if they don’t get married <3

These novellas are short, fast-paced, and H-O-T. A perfect little break when you want to slip away from reality for a bit.

Check it out! You know you wanna ;D

Gray Card by Cassandra Chandler

Is he after her heart or her planet?

Evelyn Chambers is a nerdgirl and damned proud of it. When she finds out that her drop-dead gorgeous best friend is an alien general with only three days left of his shore leave on Earth, she has to wrap her head around too much at once. Aliens are real, and if she wants to keep hanging out with one, she’ll have to marry him!

Adam Smith has never seen a planet as beautiful as Earth or a woman as enticing as Evelyn. His government wants him to re-enlist, but the stars seem cold and distant. When Evelyn suggests marriage to help him stay, Adam realizes that what he really wants is her, and he’ll sacrifice everything to be with her.

Can he convince his government—and Evelyn—that he’s looking for more than a Gray card?

This is the second edition of the same novella originally released in October of 2015.
Approximately 20,000 words.

SFR Galaxy Award Icon
Winner of “Funniest Nerdgirl Love Affair” in the 2015 SFR Galaxy Awards.

“Gray Card” Surprise!

Greetings, everyone! I’m excited to report that the Department of Homeworld Security series is now entirely in my hands (queue lightning and maniacal laughter). I’m going Indie with this series, which means more novellas coming your way 😀

Before I can get those new stories written, I want to be sure the first three are back out in the world as soon as possible. First, of course, is Gray Card! And I have a surprise for you… Continue reading ““Gray Card” Surprise!”