It’s my 5-Year Indieversary!

On March 26 of 2016, I published my first Indie piece. It’s a superhero short story called “Second Sight.” 

In college, I was working on several comic book projects, and even tried my hand at drawing them. In the end, sequential-art storytelling just wasn’t for me. It takes me too long to write the story, draw everything, ink it, color it, etc. I decided sticking with prose was the best option for me to get out as many stories as I can (and there are so many of them swimming around in my head!). 

Back in 2016, I knew starting another series probably wasn’t the best idea, since at the time I was publishing two series with a traditional publishing house. But I also really wanted to dive into the Indie world. So, I wrote this little piece as an experiment. And readers loved it!

    Second Sight, by Cassandra Chandler Continue reading “It’s my 5-Year Indieversary!”