Cat Treats

(Apologies to those who saw a sneak peek of this in their email a bit ago. I hit the wrong button! 🙂 )

Have you ever had a cat who was obsessed with cat treats?

I have. It can get kinda scary.

My family had tons of pets throughout my childhood. One of them was a Siamese cat named Chloe. I’d like to take a few moments to tell you a bit about Chloe.

The Siamese cats I’ve encountered have been on one far end of three spectrums. They were either extremely intelligent or dumb as a rock (oh, my sweet Sammie cat, how I miss you), really vocal or very quiet (okay, I don’t so much miss the mraking in the middle of the night), and super sweet or…evil incarnate.

Guess which one Chloe was with that last spectrum?

I have scars. Like, on-my-body scars.

She was quiet. She was smart. She would lie in wait for me before attacking. Continue reading “Cat Treats”