The Once and Future Publisher

I have fantastic news this week! Earlier this year, my publisher, Samhain Publishing, announced that they would have to close down (that was sad news—the fantastic new news is in the next sentence 🙂 ). During the process of winding down, they found a path that leads to them staying open!

This means that my current series with them, The Summer Park Psychics and The Department of Homeworld Securitywill have their lovely home with Samhain for a long time to come. Look at all these beautiful covers…

Continue reading “The Once and Future Publisher”

A Heartfelt Thanks

This week has been so busy with release activities, I almost forgot today’s blog post! But never fear, here it is 🙂 Short and sweet, I want to use this post to simply say, “Thank you.”

Thank you to the readers who check out my blog every week, to those inquiring people who follow the ramblings of my Twitter feed, to the Facebook friends and Pinterest…pinners 🙂 To the G+ people doing their G+ thing (I haven’t quite figured that space out yet, but I’m still trying!). Thank you to the friends I’ve made and the friends I’ve yet to make on this exciting writing journey.

And most of all, thank you to my lovely readers who buy and read my books. Thank you for the words of encouragement, for the feedback and reviews. It helps in more ways than you know. Continue reading “A Heartfelt Thanks”

The Strong Sun Moon

Today is triply blessed for me. It’s the Summer Solstice and the full moon for June—the Strong Sun Moon. And also, today is the release day for my latest scifi novella (which is not at all a coincidence 😉 ).

Solstice Flowers

It’s a good time to take stock of the last year, and after reading my post for last year’s June full moon, I’m amazed, humbled, and grateful for all the wonderful progress in my writing career.

One of the best parts of being a hybrid author is that I can pick the release dates for my Indie works. I knew I wanted Business or Pleasure to come out in June. When I checked the calendar and saw that the full moon fell on the Summer Solstice, I knew I had to pick today as my release date.

The Summer Solstice marks when the day is longest and the sun is at full strength. And tonight’s full moon is the Strong Sun Moon. So much solar energy! Continue reading “The Strong Sun Moon”

Messages from the Universe

Here’s a quick little post about the Universe once again giving me some feedback 🙂

White FlowersLast night, I gave myself a bit of a break and played some video games in front of the TV (decadent!). I have so many projects in the works right now, with edits for the spider-headed zombie romance underway, the next book already unfolding in my mind, and a launch coming up on Monday (seriously?? already??), but I really needed to rest and unwind. Continue reading “Messages from the Universe”

Family Matters

I spent hours trying to write a blog post about family for this week. Hours. And in the end, I realized that the question is too important to me to try to fit all of my thoughts into one blog post. I don’t just have words on the topic of family—I have worlds on it. So that’s what I’m going to talk about here.

When you focus on your characters enough—on not just who they are in the events of the story, but who they were before and who they will be afterwards—they come alive in you. You remember family barbecues that never happened, with people who don’t exist having arguments that left you feeling vulnerable, and rivalries between siblings who were born only in your subconscious.

Continue reading “Family Matters”