Blood Moon Progress 2019

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity for me. I had the biggest (and awesomest) release EVER and am still getting my head around everything I’ve learned and continue to learn from that experience. I’ve also been thinking about my Blood Moon goals and focusing on finding areas of my life where I can cut back so I can spend more of my time and energy on what really matters.

The biggest epiphany to come from this seems so simple and obvious (as most of the best epiphanies are). Continue reading “Blood Moon Progress 2019”

Blood Moon Goals 2019

The full moon in October is sometimes called the Blood Moon. I think about names that various cultures have given to the full moons each month to try to connect with the people who have walked this world before me and imagine what they were thinking when they came up with each name.

After the harvest, I imagine the focus turned toward putting food away to last through the Winter and Spring Continue reading “Blood Moon Goals 2019”